Tuesday 11 June 2013

Wechat Part I

So this gotta be my like latest post? I guess? It is like 10.21pm by the time i type finish.. It will be around 10.30pm? I guess.. Lying on my bed enjoying air-con that is the most relaxing time of your life... *blah blah* The air-con is really hot now, like seriously.. I can't live without it <3. Gahh.. Blahs. Anyway, today's topic is about an "awesome" app called "Wechat". I downloaded it like last year ; 2012. Yipee the app was already out but not so well-known yet. I seldom use the app btw... I admit :3 Kinda Sleepy, Guess I will pause here and turn in .. K... I will Continue Tomorrow ~ This shall be just Wechat Part 1 ^_^ Tomorrow will officially have a part 2! Bye Sweet Dreams and Good night! I knew I sleep kinda early even during holidays cause I woke up @7+ this morning I'm really tired.. Gahh... *Eyes Closing Down* Byeeee! 

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