Sunday 9 June 2013

Mini Little Garden

Hai!! This is today's first topic! I was camwhoring at my Grandma's House , Little Garden outside her house! She have many little plants and they bloom! I was taking care of the "stove" that was cooking rice dumpling for some festivals?? But it is yummy! It is cooked using charcoal or using the stove, but charcoal are better and more environmental friendly :) So i started to got bored and just started taking pictures showing like I'm at some other places lol. Let me show you the stove and the plants! 
The stoves and some pails to add more water. I know right, it looks somewhat like a mini house corridor business thingy hehes! 
This plant has been with my grandma for more than 10-20 yrs! It is like her "baby" or "treasure" and it smells very nice when it blossoms! Smell just like Jasmine Green Tea! Haha :D
Sorry for the poor quality picture, but that's not the point, this is a rose! So pretty! Pink Rose :) 
Look at this! OMG it is so pretty! And if you are wondering why is my hand there, it was because the flower was too tall for me to capture ^~^ no special reason plus I think i'm too short kekes. I didn't knew I love flowers so much, until today lol.
Can you see the fruits? OMG! My grandma is so so awesome! She even bear fruits! Haha. They are so adorable!! And yeah, at the bottom there is a construction going on and my school! 
Last flower and it is so chio haha change word xD
So this is the pic I took just now! Bye!

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