Tuesday 11 June 2013

Wechat Part II

Hello Guys! I'm back with Wechat Part 2 and it is 10.39am in the morning and I am typing a post for you guys as promised.. Yeah, yesterday I was really tired, but anyways, that is not the point. Let's get straight to the point or else we'll never get to an end for this topic :) Wechat is an app that is similar to Whatsapp but has more uses and somewhat better i guess? But I personally still prefer Whatsapp *Dafuq LOL* And this App is FREE while Whatsapp is an paid app. So those who don't wanna spend any money on an app, Wechat shall be an app just for you! It has cute Emoticons and animations and Emoji, what a app! You can get to know who are near you and using the app by using the "Shake" tab. And share you photos and memories with your friends using "Moments" just a copy of FB. ^_^  (No Offense btw..) Okay.. That are just why I like Wechat, but you can download the app and try it out on your own and EXPLORE more about it! Oh Ya.... Almost forgotten that WECHAT, you can scan QR Codes too and you can also create your own QR Code.. How awesome?! It is just like  4 in 1 app! Able to Chat, Scan, Share and know more new people. :D 
~ {Annice} 

Wechat Part I

So this gotta be my like latest post? I guess? It is like 10.21pm by the time i type finish.. It will be around 10.30pm? I guess.. Lying on my bed enjoying air-con that is the most relaxing time of your life... *blah blah* The air-con is really hot now, like seriously.. I can't live without it <3. Gahh.. Blahs. Anyway, today's topic is about an "awesome" app called "Wechat". I downloaded it like last year ; 2012. Yipee the app was already out but not so well-known yet. I seldom use the app btw... I admit :3 Kinda Sleepy, Guess I will pause here and turn in .. K... I will Continue Tomorrow ~ This shall be just Wechat Part 1 ^_^ Tomorrow will officially have a part 2! Bye Sweet Dreams and Good night! I knew I sleep kinda early even during holidays cause I woke up @7+ this morning I'm really tired.. Gahh... *Eyes Closing Down* Byeeee! 

Sunday 9 June 2013

Mini Little Garden

Hai!! This is today's first topic! I was camwhoring at my Grandma's House , Little Garden outside her house! She have many little plants and they bloom! I was taking care of the "stove" that was cooking rice dumpling for some festivals?? But it is yummy! It is cooked using charcoal or using the stove, but charcoal are better and more environmental friendly :) So i started to got bored and just started taking pictures showing like I'm at some other places lol. Let me show you the stove and the plants! 
The stoves and some pails to add more water. I know right, it looks somewhat like a mini house corridor business thingy hehes! 
This plant has been with my grandma for more than 10-20 yrs! It is like her "baby" or "treasure" and it smells very nice when it blossoms! Smell just like Jasmine Green Tea! Haha :D
Sorry for the poor quality picture, but that's not the point, this is a rose! So pretty! Pink Rose :) 
Look at this! OMG it is so pretty! And if you are wondering why is my hand there, it was because the flower was too tall for me to capture ^~^ no special reason plus I think i'm too short kekes. I didn't knew I love flowers so much, until today lol.
Can you see the fruits? OMG! My grandma is so so awesome! She even bear fruits! Haha. They are so adorable!! And yeah, at the bottom there is a construction going on and my school! 
Last flower and it is so chio haha change word xD
So this is the pic I took just now! Bye!

Saturday 8 June 2013

A Little Favour Please?

From the title you can see that I requested a little favour from you :) Please abide the rules :P I was just joking hehes. The little favour is that I want you guys to follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for my most latest updates as I may not be blogging from 1st August to End of PSLE ^>^ as I need to study for my PSLE and this year is very important to me, so hope you understand :D

Tweet me in your tweet if you are my blog reader :D

Facebook :


Thanks for that 1 little click, It makes a huge difference!
I know this is the second time I'm posting about this lol but pls bear with it >_<
I will post all this pictures at the side of my blog in case you miss this post :)

Friday 7 June 2013

Haul Of The Day

Hi Guys! Today's topic is about Haul Of The Day A.K.A HOTD. So today I just came back from Lunch and I went Mini Shopping with my Aunt to the nearby Market as there are some stores there. So we went in to this Shop call "Good Price Centre"  and it sells really cheap stuffs and it comes with a Kawaii plastic bag. Here's a picture for you! 
The pink happy face is really cute :)
So I bought an item ^_^ It is a.............. Water Bottle! It is a teddy bear water bottle so cute!! And it is for $2.90 ONLY! OMG! I got the red one, there are many other colours too, there are Red, Brown and Blue?? Can't remember hehes. Here's a picture for you!! :) Thumbs up if it is cute or you have the same water bottle. Bye! Have an enjoyable Saturday. :) Xoxo, Annice
So Cute OMG!!! *Can't Resist* ^^ 
Why are you so cute?? Gahh!
With handles :) 
The paper inside the water bottle. 

K Bye! 
- Chak! 


Yay! Finally about this topic! I'm gonna leak out a "secret" about me as it is the Blog Anniversary Day. The so-called secret is that............... I love squishys! Woohoo they are like the best thing on earth.. Ermmm I guess? I love them to the max! They are like stress balls? That's what lotsa people said but they are like real life looking food. But it is INEDIBLE. Please do not eat it lol! I will show you my Squishy Ultra Mini Collection hehe ^_^ If you are wondering where you can get them in Singapore, I will tell you, you can get it at Toy Outpost, BoxBoss and Hako. There are many outlets in SG, so you gotta go an find out on your own :) I will try to post a video on my squishy collection :) 

Love, Annice

Thursday 6 June 2013

Follow ME!

As you can see from the Title, you will know what is this topic gonna be about! It is about social networks eg : Facebook, Twitter, Friendster....etc So I do have them! So do follow me or add me as friend for my latest updates Thanks so much!!! Yay~ Hoorays *Joys Of Life*

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnniceLicous A.K.A Annice Ang
Twitter: Anniceang - https://twitter.com/AnniceAng
Instagram: @Airniece

Thanks for that little click, it makes a huge difference!

Fun Run

Hello! I'm back, today's topic is gonna be a totally different topic! It is a topic on a game call Fun Run, i had known this game through my cousin last month and I got addicted to it somewhat.. If you had not downloaded it, you can download it now! Its 100% FREE! So awesome! You can play with your friends and other people all around the world just with internet connection! Isn't it so awesome! A game where it is very social... I will post a picture about it, it is available in the Apps Store and the Market. If you had downloaded it and want to be my friend or challenge me, do remember to add me as a friend @azq17! Bye! See you soon :) 


Hi guys, It has been a long time since I blogged again.... Today I created a new blog as the old one will not be in used anymore. The old blog is "annicediary.blogspot.sg" I will start posting more often! :) Follow me on twitter @anniceang and facebook @facebook.com/AnniceLicous. BYE!

xoxo, Annice <3